Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Importado

"For courses on Distributed Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, loja and Advanced Operating Systems focusing preco on distributed systems, andrew s. tanenbaum & maarte van steen found in departments loja of Computer Science, Computer Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Importado Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Very few textbooks today explore distributed systems in a manner venda appropriate for university students. In escritor this unique text, andrew s. tanenbaum & maarte van steen esteemed authors Tanenbaum venda and van Steen provide Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Importado full coverage of the field in a systematic way that can be readily used for preco teaching. No other text examines submarino the underlying principles andrew s. tanenbaum & maarte van steen ? and their preco applications to a wide Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Importado variety of practical distributed systems ? with this level of depth and clarity. " Clique escritor Aqui e Confira a autor Antiga Edição.
Editora: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 9780132392273
Ano: 2007
Edição: 2
Número andrew s. tanenbaum & maarte van steen de páginas: 704
Formato: escritor Médio
Complemento da Edição: Nenhum
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Importado

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