CD Kalte Sterne

  • Kalte Sterne
    In the band´s earliest phases, he never loja bothered to throw any bones preco to the English-speaking einstÜrzende neubauten audiences in the loja world´s largest music markets CD Kalte Sterne (why should he, really?), just as he never bothered to appease anyone who clung to venda notions like the one that escritor songs should be einstÜrzende neubauten accessible things, with venda snappy melodies and friendly CD Kalte Sterne beats that you could groove to. The band´s early albums are breathtaking clinics in well-sculpted preco noise; abrasive, but not so submarino extreme as to einstÜrzende neubauten be unlistenable or preco inaccessible to an adventurous CD Kalte Sterne rock audience. Records like Kollaps and Halber Mensch may be uncompromising, but the band´s early escritor singles actually go them one autor better in terms einstÜrzende neubauten of sheer brutal escritor abstraction.


  • Ano: 2004

  • Procedência: CD Kalte Sterne Nacional

  • Label: Importado

  • ISSN: 724596924921

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