Himalaya: L´Enfance D´Un Chef

Filmed over seven months in the forbidding Dolpo region of Nepal, Himalaya tells the story of a generational struggle for the leadership of a tiny mountain village between its proud old chief and a headstrong young caravanner. The balance of power shifts uneasily as they make their annual salt trek across the Himalayas. A visually striking and spiritually captivating portrait of life in one of the world´s most extraordinary places, Himalaya is both intense drama and a gorgeous tapestry of the fast disappearing traditions of Tibetan life. A huge box office hit in Europe, Himalaya also enjoyed great popular success in the U.S., where it remained on the Variety top film box office chart for over six months.
Diretor: ÉRIC VALLI   
Informações Especiais: Director´s audio commentary - 26-minute "Making Of" documentary - "Himalaya" electronic press kit
Título Original: Himalaya - L´Enfance D´Un Chef: Himalaia
Tempo: 104 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2002
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1Idiomas / Sistema de Som: Nenhum - Dolby Surround 5.1Formatos de Tela: Widescreen LetterboxPais de Origem: Nenhum

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