Kirikou and the Sorceress (Kirikou et la sorcière)

This animated film exquisitely recounts the tale of tiny Kirikou, a clever, courageous little boy born in an African village in which Karaba the Sorceress has placed a terrible curse, as he sets out on a quest to free his village of the curse and find out the secret of why Karaba is so wicked. Kirikou depicts a precocious newborn infant who battles ignorance, and so-called evil, with endearing perseverance. This film speaks to the child within us all who yearns to express and defend the best in others and ourselves. Kirikou´s stunning visuals are accented by a traditional music soundtrack by African music giant Youssou N´ Dour.


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Informações Especiais: The Colour Game - The Characters - Comments By the Filmmaker


Título Original: Kirikou and the Sorceress: Kiriku e a Feiticeira

Tempo: 74 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: Livre

Região do DVD: R

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