The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado

You must check this edition [IMPORT] of The Romantic loja Tchaikovsky. The album brings together preco 13 fantastic tracks pyotr il´yich tchaikovsky & keith clark & bratislava csr symphony orchestra such as "Swan loja Lake, Op. 20" and The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado "The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66", some of the highlights. An exceptional work!
Ano: 2007
Gênero: Other
Naxos; ASIN: 730099221627
1. Swan venda Lake, Op. 20, Act II: escritor Scene2. The Sleeping pyotr il´yich tchaikovsky & keith clark & bratislava csr symphony orchestra Beauty, Op. 66, venda Act II: Panorama3. Symphony The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado No. 5 in e Minor, Op. 64: II. Andante...4. Swan Lake, Op. 20, Act IV: preco Dance of the Cygnets5. The submarino Sleeping Beauty, Op. pyotr il´yich tchaikovsky & keith clark & bratislava csr symphony orchestra 66, Act I: preco Pas...6. Violin Concerto in The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado D Major, Op. 35: Ii. Canzonetta7. 12 Morceaux, Op. 40: No. 2. Chanson Triste8. 6 escritor Songs, Op. 6: No. 6. autor None But the pyotr il´yich tchaikovsky & keith clark & bratislava csr symphony orchestra Lonely Heart..9. Serenade escritor for Strings in C The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado Major, Op. 48: III....10. The Nutcracker, Op. 71, Act II: Waltz of the...11. Symphony No. submarino 4 in F Minor, Op. barato 36: II. Andantino..12. pyotr il´yich tchaikovsky & keith clark & bratislava csr symphony orchestra Souvenir D´un Lieu submarino Cher, Op. 42: No. The Romantic Tchaikovsky - Importado 3. Melodie13. The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66, Act I: Waltz

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