Carnegie Hall 4.6.02

This edition [IMPORT] entitled Carnegie Hall, is the Ani DiFranco release, one of the greatest names in the world music. The album brings together fantastic songs along with the best of its style, as its very clear thru tracks such as "Subdivision" and "Not So Soft", some of the highlights. An incredible work. Check it out!

Ano: 2006

Gênero: Folk & Country Rock


Righteous Babe; ASIN: 748731705121


1. God´s Country
2. Subdivision
3. Angry Any.
4. Educated G.
5. Not So Soft
6. 2 Lil Girls
7. Gratitude
8. Detroit Annie...
9. In the Way
10. 2nd Intermission
11. Names & Dates
12. Serpentine
13. Work in Pro.
14. Out of Range
15. [Untitled Track]

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