The Taste of Others - Importado

Fun, sexy, and richly rewarding, The Taste of Others earned an Academy Award(R) nomination as Best Foreign Language Film (2000). The lives and loves of several completely opposite men and women artfully intersect in what becomes a delightfully funny web of romantic entanglements! While negotiating differences in wealth and status, style and taste, this vivid collection of characters mix and match in outrageously volatile combinations! Internationally acclaimed for its sexy comic sophistication -- expect the unexpected from this uncommonly entertaining motion picture!
Diretor: AGNÉS JAOUI   
Título Original: The Taste of Others - Le Goût des autres - O Gosto dos Outros
Tempo: 112 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2002
Recomendação: 14 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Som: Francês - Dolby Surround 5.1Inglês - Dolby Surround 5.1Formatos de Tela: WidescreenPais de Origem: França

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