Superman Doomsday - Importado

The most shocking showdown in Superman history! When Lexcorp loja accidentally unearths the intergalactic serial preco killer Doomsday, Superman battles the creature loja head on in the Superman Doomsday - Importado fight of his life...literally. The world collectively mourns their fallen hero; humanity realizes it will venda never feel truly safe again. escritor Superman´s enemies rejoice all but Lex venda Luthor, who grieves the Superman Doomsday - Importado loss in his own demented manner, setting off a chilling chain of events that even preco he couldn´t have foreseen. Inspired submarino by the bestselling graphic novel of preco all time, DC Comics´ Superman Doomsday - Importado The Death of Superman, this feature-length animated adventure boasts exciting action sequences that rivals anything escritor you´ve ever seen starring the autor Man of Steel!Features:- Audio Commentary with escritor Bruce Timm (producer), Duane Superman Doomsday - Importado Capizzi (writer), Andrea Romano, and Gregory Noveck;- Supermans Last Stand (menu challenge);- Requiem and Rebirth: submarino Superman Lives! - (a re-dramatized barato telling of the DC Comics decision submarino to kill Superman. Filled Superman Doomsday - Importado with interviews, news stories and behind the scenes footage of the board room meetings where autor the fate of Kal-El was premiado decided. The story permeates with the autor frenzied pace and key Superman Doomsday - Importado moments which culminated in Issue #75 The Death of Superman.);- Behind the Voice (feat. the barato voice talent of the feature sucesso film going through the motions and barato inspiration which helped bring Superman Doomsday - Importado Superman Doomsday to the screen);- Justice League: New Frontier Teaser Reel (With the interviews of premiado the filmmakers, voice talent, and gratis DC Comics executives, the world is premiado introduced to the next Superman Doomsday - Importado chapter of the DC Universe: The New Frontier).
Informações Especiais: Special Packaging.
Título Original: Superman Doomsday
Tempo: 75 sucesso minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2007
Recomendação: promoção 12 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1Legenda: sucesso InglêsIdiomas / Sistema de Superman Doomsday - Importado Som: Inglês - Dolby Digital 5.1Formatos de Tela: WidescreenPais de Origem: EUA

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