Dangermouse: The Complete Series- Importado - 9 DVDs

From the famed animation studios of Cosgrove Hall Productions (Wind in the Willows, Count Duckula) come the uproarious tongue-in-cheek adventures of Danger Mouse and his timid hamster sidekick Penfold. London-based, the intrepid duo receives orders from their walrus boss Commander K. Their mission... to save the world from crazed villains like the toady Baron Silas Greenback and his henchman crow Stiletto, diabolical master thieves, and even the show´s narrator. Aided by whacky hi-tech gizmos, Danger Mouse is the only hero with one eye.Spoofing everything from James Bond to Dr. Who, DANGER MOUSE is sly, hilarious entertainment for kids of all ages.Features:- Never-aired pilot episode "The Mystery of the Lost Chord";- "One Stormy Night" and "Town Hall Terrors" episodes of Count Duckula;- Dangermouse theme song karaoke;- Alternative Dangermouse theme song options;- Character descriptions.
Título Original: Dangermouse: The Complete Series
Tempo: 1474 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2007
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1Idiomas / Sistema de Som: Inglês - Dolby Digital StereoFormatos de Tela: FullScreenPais de Origem: EUA

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