The Beatles Liverpool: A Magical History Tour- Importado - Duplo

Join us on a tour of Liverpool which visits a multitude of sites related to the Beatles including the Cavern Club and the houses where they were brought up, Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane. Over 60 locations are visited and interviews take place with 20 or more personalities with close associations with the Beatles including class mate and founder of the Mersey Beat newspaper Bill Harry, their first manager Alan Williams (the man who gave away the Beatles), and King Size Taylor, the first rock n roll player in Liverpool and Fellow performer of the Star Club in Hamburg.

Título Original: The Beatles Liverpool: A Magical History Tour
Tempo: 330 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2006
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1
Idiomas / Sistema de Som:
Inglês -
Formatos de Tela: FullScreen
Pais de Origem: Inglaterra

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