The Beatles London- Importado - Duplo

"The Beatles London" is the most detailed portrait of the legendary band in modern history, the Fab Four, at this point of their career.
Presented by Beatles authority Richard Porter (founder of the London Beatles Fan Club and author of the "Guide To The Beatles London"), the documentary carries viewers to key Beatles´ sights of London as the EMI recording studio, the iconic pedestrian crossing at Abbey Road, the group members´ London homes and the Decca studios where the band received one of its first rejections.
This full documentary clocks in at an astonishing four hours!

Título Original: The Beatles London
Tempo: 240 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2007
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Multi-Região
Idiomas / Sistema de Som:
Inglês - Dolby Digital Surround
Formatos de Tela: Widescreen
Pais de Origem: EUA

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