The Tudors: Season 1- Importado - 4 DVDs

The Tudors presents the rarely dramatized, tumultuous early years of King Henry VIII´s nearly 40-year reign (1509-47). In addition to his famous female consorts, his more than 20 years of marriage to Catherine of Aragon, and his infamous dalliance with Anne Boleyn, the series delves into Henry´s notable political relationships and his move to divorce England from the Roman Catholic Church. Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers as the young Henry, the Emmy Award-winning series portrays the monarch as never before - a fierce warrior, impetuous lover, impassioned leader, and rebellious youth who became one of the most powerful men in the world at the age of 19. This Season 1 set collects on four discs the ten episodes that Showtime aired in 2007 and includes a behind-the-scenes look at the Emmy-winning wardrobe; the series´ lush production and favorite locations in contemporary London; and free episodes of the Showtime series Californication, This American Life, and Penn & Teller B.S.!; and a free digital download of Californication.

Título Original: The Tudors: Season 1
Tempo: 556 minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: 2008
Recomendação: 16 anos
Região do DVD: Região 1
Idiomas / Sistema de Som:
Inglês - Dolby Digital 5.1
Espanhol -
Formatos de Tela: Widescreen
Pais de Origem: Irlanda / Canadá / EUA

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