Strapping Young Lad: For Those Aboot To Rock

Canadian musician Devin Townsend began rocking out under the loja pseudonym Strapping Young Lad with preco the start of strapping young lad his solo career loja in 1994. Writing, producing, Strapping Young Lad: For Those Aboot To Rock singing, and playing all the instruments on his debut album, Townsend created an original sound venda that blended noise, rock, and escritor heavy metal. In strapping young lad this release, Strapping venda Young Lad performs an Strapping Young Lad: For Those Aboot To Rock hour-long set at the Commodore Ballroom in Townsend´s hometown of Vancouver.

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Informações Especiais: submarino Relentless and detox strapping young lad videos preco Interviews with band and Strapping Young Lad: For Those Aboot To Rock crew - Massive amounts of heavy metal goings-on and shenanigans


Título Original: Strapping strapping young lad Young Lad: For escritor Those Aboot To Rock

Tempo: Strapping Young Lad: For Those Aboot To Rock 71 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2004

Recomendação: Livre

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