The Circle Jerks: Live at the House of Blues

Shot on multiple Panasonic DVX 100 cameras with 24 loja track digital audio with 5.1 preco Suround Sound, this circle jerks episode of "The loja Show Must Go Off" The Circle Jerks: Live at the House of Blues shows why the Circle Jerks are still as pertinent to the punk scene more than venda 20 years after the release escritor of their top circle jerks albums. Over 25 venda songs are included also The Circle Jerks: Live at the House of Blues commentary.

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Informações Especiais: Band commentary - Photo gallery preco - Multi-angle - Extra footage submarino - circle jerks Trailers - Weblinks


Título Original: The Circle Jerks: Live at the House escritor of Blues

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: autor 2005

Recomendação: Livre

Região do circle jerks DVD: R

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